What is Diwali and how to celebrate it sustainably.

What is Diwali and how to celebrate it sustainably.

Diwali is one of the most important festivals for Hindus, who celebrate it with lights, fireworks and delicious food. This festival is also known as Deepavali. Diwali is a celebration of the victory of good over evil. In some regions of India it is celebrated as the new year. Diwali is a festival which celebrates togetherness! The word 'Diwali' in Sanskrit means "row of lights". The festival commemorates light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance and life over death that occurred on this day in ancient India when Lord Rama won back his kingdom from Ravana with the help of Sita after 15 years of exile.

Diwali is a sum of many tiny rituals—Diwali is a sum of many tiny rituals—lighting diyas (an oil lamp made from clay), drawing rangolis (an art form where patterns are created on the floor or a tabletop), exchanging sweets and, of course, spending time with loved ones. Along with this goodness, there are a few not so good things like air pollution, noise pollution and wasting of resources that can cause harm to nature.

We at Samsara Sari have put together a checklist that will help you celebrate a more mindful and green Diwali this year!

1) Light your home with diyas and candles
This Diwali, be mindful of the electricity you use. Do not use too many electric lanterns or fairy lights, and always turn them off before going to bed. Or, even better, swap them out for traditional diyas or candles, which are significantly more cost- and environmentally-friendly and will give your home a cozy, traditional atmosphere. 

2) Be thoughtful when attending Diwali celebrations and giving gifts
The holiday season calls for celebration and lots of time spent with friends and family. With a few adjustments, all the dinners, parties, and shopping can be kept in check. Use real or biodegradable plates and cutlery instead of plastic or styrofoam, reuse the holiday decorations you put up last year, dispose of any garbage appropriately, and limit your Diwali shopping to what you absolutely need. This will give your gifts a personal touch.

3) Use fewer firecrackers
We are aware that for many people, especially kids, Diwali would not be complete without popping fireworks. But we also need to take into account the staggering amount of air and noise pollution that firecrackers produce each year. One solution to this problem is to celebrate Diwali as a community. Everyone will get to let off fireworks, but there will be fewer of them.

4) Use less plastic
One of the most exciting aspects of the holiday is shopping. But using plastic bags for shopping is commonplace. Say "No!" to plastic shopping bags and carry cloth bags instead when you go shopping. You can find upcycled tote bags on our website www.samsarasari.com

5) Use LED bulbs
LEDs are more energy efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs because they use less energy for the same brightness (This means less greenhouse gas emissions). You can also save money by switching out your old bulbs for new ones!

This festive season take a dive into sustainability and learn more about mindful living. Adding an element of sustainability to your celebration can make it feel even more special and responsible. These small steps can go a long way for the betterment of all.

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